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Monday, March 28, 2011

The Value of Silver when TSHTF...

In the event of a total meltdown of our economy, or maybe just our own personal financial crunch, what role would silver play? Thanks to VirtualPrepper for starting the discussion! ------------------------------------------ Join the APN Forum at www.AmericanPreppersNetwork.net Visit the Washington Forum at www.WashingtonPreppersNetwork.net

1 comment:

Laineyisat said...

I hope you're stocking up!
I heard the reccommendation that each family have at least 500 ounces of silver...
www.provident.com (pay with check by mail and save the 2.7% paypal fee)
It will come in handy - whether we end up in a short term barter system or hyper inflation.
Get it now! You'll be soooooo glad you did!

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